Thursday, June 2, 2011

First Family Vacation


We left Wednesday, June 1st for our first "just us" family vacation in Orange Beach. We had an absolute blast. Of course the first thing I packed in the car was my camera... However, I forgot the charger! So we bought a couple of disposable ones and tried to capture as much as we could with our phones. I haven't gotten the disposable pictures back, but will post them when I do.

My favorite night was the night we went to dinner at Cobalt. It was just the most perfect night. I tried to fall asleep for a long time when we got home, but couldn't, so I finally got up and wrote this:

"I must say right now is not the easiest time I have experienced with you. We are currently at the beach, and you screamed most of the way down here. You can scream louder than any other child I have ever heard.. no joke, ever. You pull up on everything, whether it be 3 inches or 3 feet off the ground, and if you aren't pulling up you are crawling to the nearest outlet or power cord. This all leads to lots of crying and bumps on your head.

I am saying this to ask one thing... What did I do to deserve the most precious baby in the world? I am not just saying that to be cute or funny. I mean that with all of my heart. I know I will never understand why God chose to give me such an absolutely incredible baby, but I will never quit being grateful.

I started this blog not for you, but for me. I initially wanted to be able to remember little quirks and milestones about pregnancy. Now I wish I could somehow preserve you with these words or stick you someplace exactly how you are so that I could always have you like you are in this moment. You are just so stinking sweet, fun, and happy. I have been laying in bed for some time now trying to sleep, but I couldn't, so I emailed myself a list of things to remember about tonight before finally just getting up and writing this:

2 tooth grin, puffs and bread, peep-eye with napkin, teva shoes and reggae, woman with curly hair behind us, sun setting over the bay, huge smile...huge, hair slicked over, rosey cheeks, absolute perfection, daddy, "he couldn't have been any better. really, he couldn't have.", high fives for first time, barely peeking over table from highchair, little fat arms reaching up, sips of water from end of straw, baby blue paty romper, the littlest angel i have ever seen, literally the picture of perfection, rubbing and patting my face, leaning in for kisses, dying to touch EVERYTHING, wrestling faces, biting and laughing, wanting to get down and explore, loves the pool but wants to drink water, gah those 2 little teeth in a mouth stretched as wide as possible, i adore you. no other words to say"

I hope I always remember what all of that means. Very simply, there are times when I look at you and my heart literally feels like it could explode. Our first vacation was one of those times. My cup overflows.

Playing peep-eye in the car

Yeah, you love your new dvd player

Still kissing yourself...

The sand was not an obstacle. You crawled all over it.

Eating pancakes for breakfast

We made the mistake of going to the zoo. It was HOT! You were so sweaty and mad.

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