Friday, January 21, 2011

4 Months


Where has the time gone? I cannot believe you are 4 months old already!
Yes, I realize you will both kill me for this picture done the road. I'm afraid there are many more cousin baths in your future, though.
I can't believe how big you are. You love your Bumbo and sitting up like a big boy. If I hold you in my lap, you immediately start grabbing onto me and pulling yourself up to a standing position.

This is your favorite toy. We stole it from Grandmother and Granddaddy's house after you kicked like crazy the first time we laid you in front of it. When you kick the bottom it makes toys spin above your head. You get so proud of yourself and think it's just hilarious every time you kick it.

You have become OBSESSED with your dad. When I hold you, you strain and strain until you can see him, then you just stare at him. Even though I get a little jealous, it's pretty precious. I have to admit he feels the exact same way about you.

Another one of your favorites - your Johnny Jump-Up. You just kinda hang right now and move back and forth a little, but you love it.

I promise you wear clothes and not just pajamas all the time. You have had a stomach bug for 4 days now, and you also have two teeth coming in. (We just keep breaking all kinds of interesting medical standards). Even though we've both been spending a lot of time in pjs, you've been such an angel. I cannot stand that you feel bad, but you've been so sweet and loving. Also, thanks to Aunt Emily for your duck. You love to rub him on your face and snuggle with him.

This smile still melts my heart each and every time you flash me one... which is about every 2 seconds. Don't get me wrong, especially through this illness and teething, you still have your screaming moments, but for the most part you are such a happy baby.
You've gotten to the point where you will "talk" to me and make razzing noises when I do. I'm sure if someone walked into our house, they would think I was insane (note the previous video). I am constantly singing loudly or making crazy noises to get a giggle out of you.
Our 4 month "well" visit has been pushed to next week due to the bug, so stats will come later. We also go Monday to the allergist--it's gonna be a rough week!

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