Sunday, July 4, 2010

Latest Happenings

My little man is just growing away. I only have 78 days to go! I am really getting ready to see his little face. We went last week for our 4-D ultrasound and 28 week check-up. Mills didn't cooperate, and we didn't get a single picture. In his defense, he looked pretty crowded already and just couldn't get enough room to give us a good shot.

Everything looked great, though, and we are just trucking along towards September. I passed my diabetes test (thank goodness) and got my Rhogam shot. Now I just need my baby! I will start going to the doctor every 2 weeks, and I can't believe at my visit next week I will be 30 weeks.

In other news, Kyle FINALLY popped the question, and Ragan is getting married!! I couldn't be happier for them. Kyle is one of my favorites, and I know they will be so happy together. They've already been together wayy longer than Dave and I. ha.

We knew it was bound to happen soon after Ragan caught the bouquet and Kyle caught the garter at Callie's wedding (Notice the garter in her hair). Kyle is one lucky man! Congrats Aunt Ragan!!

1 comment:

  1. This just made my, maybe week...besides the actual engagement! I love you and your little family! Can't wait!!!


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